Questions answered by an OBGYN

In the midst of the pandemic back in 2020, we decided to run a series on our socials called “Ask The Expert”! It was a time where non-essential appointments weren’t going ahead (plus as new parents, there were always a million questions that we wanted answered about our minis, but we sometimes didn’t want to bother anyone).

So we thought we would let our tribe ask away and provide a local medical professional for an evening to answer them all. It was a HIT and have compiled a few of the FAQs here from our evening Q&A with OBGYN, Dr Ben Kroon

But first, let us introduce you to Dr Ben. He is one of Brisbane's leading gynaecologists, obstetricians and fertility specialists. He is one of few specialists who have completed the highest level of advanced training in infertility, making him also a subspecialist in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. In short, he knows his stuff! From delivering babies to collecting eggs for IVF, no two days are the same for Ben. He is based in Brisbane at Eve Health.

Let's answer some questions

Q: How long do you recommend waiting between pregnancies? 

A: Pretty much you can go for it once you can emotionally cope with sleeplessness and another screaming kid! It is a bit different if you have had a c-section - in that case I would try to leave at least 18 months between babies!


Q: Recommendations for pain relief during labour and giving birth?

A: I think this is a really personal choice. For some people it is part of the pregnancy experience to try to labour without pain relief or minimal pain relief. I’m constantly blown away when women can do this. I certainly couldn’t! 

But, in my view there is no need to be a hero. You just need to use whatever you can to get through the experience and get your baby out safely. I don't have a preference for any particular type. Epidurals sometimes get bad press, but I think they are amazing when used sensibly. The other key factor in deciding on pain relief is how fast the labor is likely to go. In most cases it will take a while and an epidural is more common. If it is the second time around then you might not get much time to make up your mind. 


Q: Does having an episiotomy with your 1st birth affect your 2nd birth in anyway?

A: No, it has no effect at all! You are far less likely to have a tear or an episiotomy second time round.

Q: What are common reasons for secondary infertility?

A:  The most common reason I would see is age. I'm afraid that is a fairly difficult question, because anything that can cause primary infertility can also cause secondary infertility. That could be ovulation problems, endometriosis, deterioration of sperm count etc. One of the things that definitely needs to be excluded, if everything else seems normal, is the possibility of blockage of the fallopian tubes. 

Q: What is the normal timeframe for your period to return after giving birth while breastfeeding?

A: How quickly your period returns is really variable and is influenced by whether you are solely breastfeeding or using formula as well. Occasionally some people have their period back by 6 weeks after delivery, but others still don’t have a period back well over a year after delivery. The important thing is, once you have completely stopped breastfeeding, there is no reason why your period shouldn't resume. 

Q: My baby is 10 weeks old (born via C-Section) and having sex is still painful. Is this normal?

A: Yes that is really common. If you are breastfeeding then you will have high levels of progesterone and very low estrogen levels because you are probably not ovulating yet. You are also just recovering from a big operation. I’d recommend going to see your doctor to get some vaginal estrogen cream.


Q: Advice for lesbian couple looking into reciprocal IVF and sperm donation?

A: Go for it! It’s so cool seeing lesbian couples decide in what order they are going to carry their babies, whose egg and who’s uterus is going to be used. You are best to come and catch up with a fertility specialist fairly early on to get the ball rolling and thinking about your sperm donor. 


Q: What are your top tips for getting your body ready for IVF?

A: Just keep healthy - there is no secret formula. Eat a diet full of antioxidants, don't smoke, cut back on the booze and keep your weight in the normal range. There is no particular time frame, just go for it when you are ready. 


Q: I’m still breastfeeding and have a way lower sex drive. Is this normal?

A: There’s so many things about having a baby lower your sex drive!!! It’s not breastfeeding by itself, it’s usually a combination of a lot of things including tiredness, body changes, hormonal changes and just being constantly busy with your mind on other things. 


Q: Can I choose who my obstetrician is if I go through the public system?

A: No, unfortunately in the public system you don't get to choose your obstetrician. But, that doesn’t mean the public system isn't good. All of us have done our training through the public system and in Australia the care is excellent. It’s just that you don't get to build up a relationship with the person who will deliver your baby and it would be very uncommon for you to be looked after by the boss. Usually your care would be under trainee obstetricians who report to a consultant. 


Q: What are the best ways to increase fertility as someone with PCOS?

A: Wow! That’s a huge question. Keeping your weight within the normal weight range is definitely helpful. My preferred method for inducing ovulation is a breast cancer drug called Letrozole - it has minimal side effects and is very effective. Of course there are all sorts of other treatments including other types of tablets, injections, ovarian drilling and IVF. 

OBGYN answering questions for munchkin and bear

A huge thank you to Dr Ben Kroon for generously donating his time and expertise to our tribe (for free!) to answer all these questions. We hope this was helpful! 

If you’d like to get in touch with Dr Ben to book an appointment, simply visit the Eve Health website here or get in contact with his PA by emailing


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