If you’ve fallen in love with one of our mats but are a bit nervous about whether you can justify the cost, we completely understand. Having a baby is not cheap, and deciding what you do and don’t need can be truly overwhelming. 

So, we’ve put together a little list of some of the reasons why we - and our customers - believe you’ll never regret buying a Munchkin & Bear Play Mat. 


Munchkin & Bear Play Mats are great for tummy time

“The floor is your baby’s playground” - @tummytimemethod

Not only are our prints beautiful to look at but our mats are also so squishy and soft. This makes them a great place for your baby to learn to play and develop their gross and fine motor skills safely.

One of our customers said her baby wasn’t a fan of tummy time until she bought her play mat. “The mats are so much softer in person than the photos suggest,” she said. 

We often get parents sharing photos of their babies having a nap on our mats so we know the squish factor is high!


Reversible Play Mat Design

Yes, that’s right, so really you’re getting two mats for the price of one! Just flip your mat over when you feel it’s time for a change and you and your baby can enjoy the fresh perspective! 


Durable, quality, non-toxic play mat

Durability was one of the top priorities when creating our play mats and we think we did pretty well! If you look after your mat, keep it clean and away from direct sunlight, there’s no reason why it will not continue to be part of your home as your baby grows. 

One review said: “After 2.5 years and using this mat every day, the quality has not changed. I did think over time (by now) we would have damaged the soft padded mat with wheels, trucks, blocks etc, but this mat is strong and still looks as good as the day we purchased it. An essential item for every home!’

Our mats are also made from the safest, non-toxic material possible and have been certified to meet EN71 (European) standards. They are waterproof and easy to clean.

A play mat big enough for the whole family


Yes, our mats were designed with babies and play in mind but that doesn’t mean they can’t be used for other activities too. Lots of our customers have said they’ve found their mat great for using for yoga or pilates at home. 

A mat can also be used for picnics either at home in your garden or if you’re going on a day trip. It’s easy to clean and our medium mats (1.4m x 1m) can be rolled up and put in the car which is a great bonus!

One happy customer told us: “We love this mat had it for 2 weeks now and it’s amazing how it brought us all together we are on the mat more often then ever, even [our] sofa doesn’t get that much attention anymore, thank you.”


A cool play mat for summer

The play mat is made from a material which stays at a neutral, safe temperature all of the time. This means you and your baby can stay cool even if the weather outside is boiling. 

They are also amazing for using outside too. Just roll it and put it outside, in the shade perhaps and have a play. Try not to leave it in direct sunlight for too long as this could cause it to fade (and watch out for anything spikey on the ground when you pop it down!).


Easy to clean, waterproof play mat

Unlike those fabric Play Mats out there on the market, our designs are 100% waterproof and can be easily wiped clean. This feature is a dream when you have young kids - any spills, messes, accidents, food scraps or messy craft can be cleaned up in a flash (you won't have to worry about putting the mat into the washing machine and then having to wait for it to dry). 

Lots of our customers even place our Play Mats on top of their expensive living room rugs to protect them (or take them to the grandparents house to do the same thing!). 

children playing on a play mat

We hope this brief overview has helped you with your decision, but of course, feel free to browse more blogs or get in touch with us any time! 

Here's a few of our other helpful blogs:

Top 5 Ways to Use a Round Play Mat

How to Choose the Right Play Mat 

Help! My Baby Hates Tummy Time

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